How to remove all YouTube Shorts from watch history

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Unlike any other solution out there that simply hide the shorts, this one will actually remove shorts from watch history since beginning of time.

By the nature of ever changing YouTube, this solution is likely to break whenever YouTube changes. Check the comments in case someone already posted a fix.

WARNING: I do not take responsibility if something happens to your account, as Google may not like such activity. If you have a billion of shorts watched, removing all may take several hours. So it’s good to take a break once in a while. It is safe to close the page or the browser at any moment and continue later. Also, watch your RAM consumption, loading too much of the watch history may gradually eat all the RAM.

Go to, then open browser console (usually F12) and put:

(async function() {
  while (window.innerHeight + window.scrollY < document.documentElement.scrollHeight) {
    let days = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#contents > .ytd-reel-shelf-renderer'));
    for (let i = 0; i < days.length; ++i) {
      let day = days[i];
      day.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start'});

      let rightArrowButton = day.querySelector('#right-arrow > ytd-button-renderer');
      while (rightArrowButton.checkVisibility()) {;
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));

      let videos = Array.from(day.querySelectorAll('ytd-reel-item-renderer'));
      for (let j = 0; j < videos.length; ++j) {
        console.log(`day ${i + 1}/${days.length} | video ${j + 1}/${videos.length}`);

        while (true) {
          var menuButton = videos[j].querySelector('#button[aria-label="Action menu"]');
          if (!menuButton) {
            console.log('waiting for menu...');
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
          } else {

        if (!menuButton.checkVisibility()) {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));

        let removeButton = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.style-scope.ytd-menu-service-item-renderer')).
          find(el => el.textContent === 'Remove from watch history');
        if (removeButton.checkVisibility()) {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));

    window.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight);
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));

This will go through every visible short on the page, click the three dots menu and then click “Remove from watch history”. After processing all visible shorts, it will scroll the page for more. Once it reaches the end of the history, it will just stop.

How to install Intune in Debian 12

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I wish I didn’t have to use this abomination of a software from Microsoft, but I have to. After spending countless hours I had to document this in case I have to go through this again.

Common misconceptions:

General steps:

  1. Follow Ubuntu 22.04 instructions to install Intune.
  2. apt install msopenjdk-11 (comes from Microsoft’s repository, which you added at the previous step).
  3. Symlink openjdk-11-jdk to msopenjdk-11:
    ln -s \
      /usr/lib/jvm/msopenjdk-11-amd64 \
  4. update-alternatives --config java and select the one that points to msopenjdk-11.
  5. Finally run intune-portal.


  1. When clicking “Sign up”, the new window is blank. The content is there but for some reason it fails to render. One workaround is to blindly navigate to the input field. Click the window in the top left corner and press Tab, it should jump to the input field, then type in your corporate email and press Enter. It should open a new window for entering password, which will have its content visible. Another workaround is to run a separate X server with software renderer:
    sudo apt install xserver-xephyr
    Xephyr -ac -br -noreset -screen 1280x1024 :1 &
    # optionaly, run some window manager to be able to change window geometry:
    # DISPLAY=:1 openbox &
    DISPLAY=:1 intune
  2. After entering email there is no separate third window to enter password, instead it asks for password in the same second window. Possible reasons:
    • No symlink to msopenjdk-11.
    • Intune fails to create a keyring to store the tokens. See below how to use Seahorse to debug this problem.
  3. You authenticated but it shows “Get the app” button. After clicking the button nothing happens. See the previous step.

  4. You get error [1001]. Most likely you tried too many times to authenticate and the procedure is temporarily blocked. Try again in 10 minutes or later.

  5. If device compliance check asks you to to downgrade to a supported distribution (LOL), grab /etc/os-release from Ubuntu 22.04 installation (you may use this one).

To debug the keyring problem, install and run Seahorse (apt install seahorse). Click the + button in the corner and make sure there is a menu item to create “Password keyring”. If there is no such item, happy debugging. Possibly something is wrong with how dbus daemon is launched.

Merge Git repositories, preserving chronological order of commits

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sometimes you want to split a huge monorepo into multiple smaller repositories, like if you were migrating from Subversion. What if you want to do the opposite? I did.

I had a set of tiny git repositories that describe how to build Debian packages in OpenSuse Build Service. The repositories had similar directory structure and even the commits in each repository were alike. Eventually I thought that merging all repositories into a single monorepo would be more efficient.

I started searching if somebody had already achieved something like this. I found few attempts but they all differ in a way how the history is preserved.

Basically all the solutions I found merge repositories with --allow-unrelated-histories option. It allows merging branches that don’t share common ancestor commits. But in result the history of each repository is trapped inside merge commits. Here is how it would look for two repositories:

     A  B  C  D       W  X  Y  Z
     •--•--•--•   +   •--•--•--•

     A  B  C  D       W  X  Y  Z
     •--•--•--•   +   •--•--•--•
    /                /

Which is inconvenient if you still want to reorder or squash some consequent commits across multiple repositories. This is how I wanted the commits, ordered chronologically:

A  W  B  C  X  Y  Z  D

Here is the approach I went with:

mkdir -p ~/merge-attempt/repos
cd ~/merge-attempt/repos
git clone git@githost:user/repo1
git clone git@githost:user/repo9
cd repos
for R in *; do
  pushd $R
  git format-patch --root --src-prefix=a/$R/ --dst-prefix=b/$R/
  for P in *.patch; do
    grep '^Date: ' $P | \
      sed 's/^Date: \(.*\)/\1/' | \
      date -Iseconds -f - | \
      sed 's/[:+]/-/g' | \
      xargs -I{} mv $P {}.patch
  mv *.patch ../..

Here --src-prefix and --dst-prefix arguments allow us to preconfigure the patches, so when applied, the files would be created in subdirectories named according to original repository.

We should get something like this:

mkdir -p ~/merge-attempt/monorepo
cd ~/merge-attempt/monorepo
git init .
git am ../*.patch
git filter-branch --env-filter 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE"'

And that would be it.

How to disable Power Button in Openbox and Debian 8 Jessie

Sunday, October 9, 2016

This is something that was bothering me for quite a while. Rarely but I happened to press accidentally the power button and shut down my computer, loosing all unsaved work. These few times I tried to search for solution, it never worked. After another undesired power off I decided to sit down and fix it.

Why I never managed to get it working properly is due to the combination of systemd and Openbox. Both are capable to set what the special buttons like power or sleep do. So fixing it in the either one kept the button misbehaving. And the trick was to configure it in both places.

Let’s first disable the button in Openbox. Edit ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml and find the XF86PowerOff piece and comment it out by wrapping it between <!-- and -->:

<keybind key="XF86PowerOff">
  <action name="Execute">
    <command>systemctl poweroff</command>

Reload the Openbox config file:

$ openbox --reconfigure

Time for the systemd part. Open /etc/systemd/logind.conf and find the line with HandlePowerKey in it. By default the value for the power button handler is poweroff. Remove the preceding # symbol and change the value to ignore:


Lastly, restart logind:

$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind

And we’re done. Now the power button is harmless. Of course it will continue working to power on the computer or wake it up from the sleep.

P.S. In case something doesn’t work, check the logs ( -f for real time update):

$ sudo journalctl -f

How to remove all SoundCloud likes at once

Friday, September 30, 2016

How so there is no way to track which tracks I listened? There are various “SoundCloud History” browser extensions, but every other streaming service has that (I know only YouTube) out of the box.

UPDATE Nov 2016: It took only few years of whining to get Listening history. Good job SoundCloud!

So my workaround is to use the Like button. I basically like every track in my stream I listened. And to keep it clean and tidy once in a while I remove all the likes to start fresh. Yet even removing all the likes at once is not possible. I just love the tech support answer:

You can’t do that. Hope that helps.

Helps a lot!

Go to, then open browser console (usually F12) and put:

(async function() {
    while (true) {
        var a = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".sc-button-like[title='Unlike']"));
        if (a.length == 0)
        a.forEach(button =>;
        // wait 2 seconds before more tracks get loaded:
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));

What it does is that it goes through every Unlike button and clicks it. It may take a while if you have many likes.

WARNING: Snap, SoundCloud decided to disable my Liking abilities for who knows how long:

We’ve noticed a high volume of liking coming from your account and we would like to ask that you slow down. If your account is performing many more actions when compared to most others, it loses the human touch. Remember that there is a fine line between promoting yourself and bombarding other users with notifications. We want our community to remain a genuine, positive place for members to interact, so remember to stick to our Community Guidelines. You can continue liking again in 5 hours. The more you hit these limits, the longer the block will last.

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