How to restart X in Ubuntu 9.10 and beyond

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ctrl-Alt-Backspace doesn’t work anymore? As it’s advised here, you may alter xorg.conf or use dontzap --disable. I wasted a whole hour trying to install this dontzap which is not even available in default repositories. Forget that, go to Keyboard Preferences now and enable it there.

How to get Tango colors in Windows CMD

Sunday, October 11, 2009

After reading this post I decided to get the same colors for Windows’ Cygwin and MSYS. So I ended up setting every single color manually.

That doesn’t work for *.bat files however, but there is a trick, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\ and create a new key and use cmd window title as a key name. You should escape the back slash character with underscore in the key name, so H:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe becomes H:_cygwin_bin_bash.exe

To save time and not type every single value, you can run the following reg file:


For *.bat shortcuts, title of the window is always the same as the name of the shortcut and solution above won’t work. Add start command to the bat file and you’ll get more informative window title, e.g. for Cygwin.bat it would be start bash --login -i.

Now compare this ugly default theme:

with Tango colors:

Coloring scripts you can find in the referenced post.

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